Do I need to be present during organizing sessions?

Yes, some of the time. You will need to work with me to make decisions about decluttering. I will also need you to give feedback on your organizing preferences. Once we have decluttered and I have your input, I can work alone to finish a space. Projects vary, but on average I expect to work at least half of a project directly with a client.


How long does it take?

It depends on the size of the project and the amount of items to sort through. On average, during a 4 hour session, I can complete a hall closet, a kitchen pantry, or a large bedroom closet. A full kitchen, garage, or basement can often be completed in 10 hours. Organizing sessions are 3-4 hours long and large rooms are scheduled over multiple days.


What containers and products will be used in my project?

I will suggest products for you to purchase from local or online stores such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target. I can also use some of your existing containers and storage products.


Do you take and drop donations?

Yes! I remove donations from your home and drop locally at Salvation Army, Goodwill, Planet Aid, and, on occasion, my local Buy Nothing Facebook group. I can take donations of clothes, books, toys, and most household items. I cannot take furniture, oversized items, trash, recyclables, or hazardous materials.*


Is my mess going to shock you?

No! I’m in the business of organizing and I expect to walk into messy spaces. There is no need to be embarrassed. Together, we will conquer the clutter and chaos so you can enjoy your space!

*For an additional $50 fee I will transport certain household hazardous waste (paint, electronics, cleaners, rechargeable batteries) to the Howard County Landfill. This service is subject to change based on seasonal changes in the landfill’s collection schedule.